Indonesia secure AstraZeneca vaccine in the first quarter of 2021

    Indonesia expects to receive AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccine from the global vaccine-sharing scheme Covax Facility in the first quarter of 2021 or by the end of March at the latest. The Covax facility — co-led by the World Health Organization (WHO) and global vaccine alliance Gavi — aims to ensure equitable access to the Covid-19 vaccine.

    According to the Cabinet Secretariat’s official website, Indonesia had already received Gavi’s confirmation on the initial vaccine allocation on Saturday. The first shipment in the first quarter will comprise 25 to 35 percent of the allocated doses, followed by the remaining 65 to 75 percent in the second quarter.

    The distribution will commence once the AstraZeneca vaccine is granted emergency use listing (EUL) by the WHO and validated by the Independent Allocation of Vaccines Task Force (IAVG). It will also depend on the manufacturer’s supply availability.

    Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi has coordinated with Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin to prepare for the vaccine delivery. The Food and Drug Control Agency (BPOM) must first approve the British-developed AstraZeneca vaccine for emergency use.

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