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Amidst Much Controversy, the Government Will Revise carry-on Import Restrictions

Amidst widespread discontentment, the government has announced revisions to its import policies, initially established under Minister of Trade Regulation No. 36/2023, especially for carry-on...

Government Responds to Business Concerns, Affirms Support for Local Products Amid...

Amidst concerns raised by business entities regarding the recent tightening of import regulations outlined in Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag) No. 36/2023 on Import...

Indonesia Implements New Import Regulations Today with PMK Number 96 of...

The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) and the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) have embarked on a significant regulatory transformation concerning the importation of goods into...

Jokowi Tightens Import Regulation for Children’s Toys, Electronics, and More to...

President Joko Widodo, commonly known as Jokowi, is taking measures to tighten the importation of various goods, including clothing, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, electronics, children's toys,...

Minister of Creative Economy Reveals Concerns Regarding Ban on Importing Goods...

The Indonesian Government is strategically planning to implement a ban on the importing goods priced below US$100 or Rp1.5 million, both in the realm...

Government Prepares New Regulations on Import Prohibitions for E-commerce Items Under...

As part of its efforts to promote a level playing field and protect domestic industries, the Indonesian government is in the process of crafting...

Indonesia Unfortunately Still Depends on Imports of Industrial Raw Materials

Indonesia is reported to still depend on imports of industrial raw materials and auxiliary capital goods. This was regretted by the Coordinating Minister for...

Indonesia Will Stop Importing Asphalt in Two Years

In two years, Indonesia will immediately stop importing asphalt. This was confirmed directly by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). He reasoned, currently Indonesia has asphalt...

Find Traces of Corona, China Suspends Fish Imports from Indonesian Companies

China has suspended imports from an Indonesian company for a week after the Corona virus was detected in samples of frozen products supplied by...



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