Home NEWS Decreased Carbon Emissions Has Achieved Government Targets

Decreased Carbon Emissions Has Achieved Government Targets

Indonesia is trying hard to reduce carbon emissions to become a zero-emission country. The effort slowly paid off. Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the realization of decreased carbon emissions (CO2) in Indonesia rose 30.71% in 2022 compared to the previous year.

It is known, the realization of a decrease in carbon emissions has reached 91.5 million tons last year. This figure has apparently reached the target set by the government, which is 91 million tons of CO2 while continuing the trend since 2019.

With this achievement, the intensity of the decrease in CO2 emissions is 0.335 tons. The number was obtained by dividing the decline in CO2 emissions by the population of Indonesia which reached 273 million.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources claims that the achievement was carried out through the mitigation of the implementation of new renewable energy (EBT).

The government has several renewable energy development strategies to support energy transitions. These strategies include the construction of PLT EBT on the Grid, Implementation of Acting Roof, Conversion of PLTD to PLT EBT (PLT GAS as a transition), Mandatory B30, Co-Firing Biomass on PLTU, Provision of Modern Energy Access with EBT (Small Scale such as PLTMH, PLTS), geothermal exploration by the government, and the implementation of EBT off the grid and direct use.

In addition, the government also implemented the Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) technology strategy and Carbon Capture Storage and Utilization (CCUS) in the oil and gas sector.

The initiative to implement CCS/CCUS is an attempt by the upstream oil and gas sector to be able to reduce existing carbon emissions.

According to data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), carbon emissions sourced from the oil and gas sector reached around 44 million tons of CO2E in 2030.

This increase in emissions is a result of increasing national oil and gas production according to the target of 1 mbopd petroleum and 12 natural gas BSCFD.

While until 2060, the total emissions from the oil and gas sector are estimated to reach 1,149 million tons of CO2E, consisting of 659 million tons of upstream CO2e and 490 million tons of CO2e downstream sectors.

At present, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is preparing regulations related to the implementation of CCS/CCUS and recommending other relevant ministries so that KKKS gets incentives considering that CCS/CCUS investments are still very expensive.

With this effort, the government is targeting a reduction in carbon emissions of 116 million tons in 2023. The number is projected to reach 142 million tons in the following year.

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