Home NEWS So Sad! Deforestation in Aceh’s Forests Reaches 10 Hectares Per Year

So Sad! Deforestation in Aceh’s Forests Reaches 10 Hectares Per Year

deforestation (illustration) (photo: roya ann miller - Unsplash)

According to the Guardian, or Wali Nanggroe, Tgk Malik Mahmud Al Haytar, Aceh’s forests have experienced a significant decrease in the past five years. The deforestation rate in Aceh is estimated to be around 10,000 hectares per year.

Malik suggests that deforestation is not solely caused by rampant illegal logging but is also due to natural disasters and community occupation opening up plantation land in forest areas.

Additionally, he states that there are still many illegal mining activities operating in Aceh’s forests, which are likely one of the primary causes of floods, landslides, and fires that have become a trend in Aceh in recent years.

Furthermore, Malik notes that the management of protected forest areas has not been optimal in preserving the forest.

However, he suggests that protected forests should be able to provide economic benefits to the community compared to existing production forests, namely through the use of non-timber forest products.

Based on KLHK data over the past five years, non-tax state revenue through the utilization of Aceh’s forests has only reached around Rp2 billion per year, placing Aceh in the 10th lowest position.

In addition to this, the Wali Nanggroe announced that three companies had their concession licenses revoked by the Central BKPM due to neglecting land with a total area of 130,634 hectares. The revoked licenses belonged to PT Rimba Penyangga Utama, PT Aceh Inti Timber, and PT Lamuri Timber.

Overall, Malik suggests that sustainable forest resource management is necessary for the people and peace in Aceh, and restoration efforts must be implemented to reduce the damage caused by deforestation.

For information, Deforestation, which is the activity of clearing forests or cutting down trees for non-forest purposes such as agriculture, plantations, livestock, or settlements, is a concerning issue that needs to be addressed to prevent further damage to the environment and to ensure the sustainable use of natural resources.

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