Ministry of Trade Clarifies Rules on Importing Second-Hand Goods, Including Shoes

Secondhand Clothing Becoming Indonesians' Favorite (photo: Artificial Photography - Unsplash)

Recently, Indonesians have been showing a growing interest in buying second-hand items from abroad, such as clothes and shoes. In response to this trend, the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) has clarified that all used goods fall under the regulations governing prohibited exports and imports or restricted goods (lartas), including used shoes.

This regulation is included in Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag) Number 40 of 2022 concerning Amendments to Minister of Trade Regulation Number 18 of 2021 concerning Prohibited Export Goods and Prohibited Import Goods.

According to this regulation, second-hand clothing and other used goods fall under goods that are prohibited for import with a tariff position or HS 6309.00.00, with the description “Used clothing and other used goods” and listed in Part IV as “Types of used bags, used sacks, and used clothing.”

Moga Simatupang, Acting Director General of Consumer Protection and Trade Order (PKTN) at Kemendag, explained that HS 63090000 already represents all used goods as it is described as used clothing and other used goods.

According to him, the description “other used goods” already represents all used goods. Therefore, all used goods are prohibited from being imported into the country, let alone being sold.

Moga further explained that there are indeed some used goods that are allowed to be imported, namely goods listed in Permendag Number 25 of 2022 concerning Amendments to Minister of Trade Regulation Number 20 of 2021 concerning Import Policies and Regulations.

“Except for those listed in Permendag Number 20 of 2021 and Permendag Number 25 of 2022, in annex three, goods that can be imported in a non-new condition, such as ship engines, and so on, are not allowed,” added Moga.

Regarding used shoes, Moga stated that they are also included in the description of used clothing.

Moga interpreted used clothing as something that attaches to the body, not just clothes.

“It says used clothing there, right? Used clothing includes shoes that are attached to the body,” Moga concluded.