Home NEWS Mount Semeru Eruption

Mount Semeru Eruption

Mount Semeru, which is located in between, Malang and Lumajang East Java Province, erupted on Saturday (4/12/2021).
The volcano was seen emitting large, thick, gray smoke. For information, this mount is consider to be the highest mountain in Java.

Until this afternoon, Mount Semeru was still emitting thick smoke from the peak of Jonggring Saloko.
As a result, several areas of the mountain slopes such as in Pronojiwo and Candipuro sub-districts were exposed to ash rain.

Residents of Lumajang Regency who were affected by the eruption of Mount Semeru fled to houses of worship and the office of the local village head. It is not yet known how many residents were affected by the eruption and the hot cloud coming from the avalanche.

Several villages in Candipuro District, Lumajang Regency, are known to be affected by hot clouds from Mount Semeru. It is currently reported that the situation around Lumajang is still pitch black.

Source: Cnn, tribunews

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