Home EXPAT LIFE ENTERTAINMENT Festive Frenzy! Over 126 Million Travel Movements During the Holiday Season, Exceeding...

Festive Frenzy! Over 126 Million Travel Movements During the Holiday Season, Exceeding Projections

Jakarta's traffic
Jakarta's traffic

As the festive season unfolded from December 16, 2023, to January 1, 2024, the Ministry of Transportation revealed a staggering 126 million travel movements, surpassing their initial projection of 107 million. Transport Minister Budi Karya Sumadi highlighted their collaboration with telecommunication operators to monitor holiday travel.

Utilizing the Mobile Data Positioning (MDP) from December 16, 2023, to January 1, 2024, data indicated a substantial 126 million movements within and between provinces. Minister Budi Karya emphasized, “This result aligns closely with the Ministry of Transportation’s initial prediction of 107 million people.”

During the same period, the National Christmas and New Year Command Center reported a notable 16.48% increase in passengers using public transportation, including land and train travel, compared to the previous year.

Moreover, the number of vehicles departing the Greater Jakarta area via toll roads surged by 8.13%, while those entering witnessed a notable 7.81% rise. Police data disclosed a 12% reduction in traffic accidents, totaling 3,412 incidents during the 2023/2024 holiday season from December 22, 2023, to January 2, 2024.

Minister Budi Karya commended the successful coordination and collaboration among government agencies, transportation operators, toll road authorities, mass media, and the public. He emphasized the need for meticulous planning and execution to manage increased movement during peak times.

“With the surge in movement, strategic planning and execution become crucial to alleviate congestion at specific intervals. Alhamdulillah (thank God), we executed this successfully, thanks to the collective cooperation of all parties involved,” expressed Budi Karya. The holiday season not only saw record-breaking movements but also showcased the effectiveness of coordinated efforts in ensuring smooth and secure travel experiences for the public.

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