Home GOLF & SPORT Offering Sport Tourism, Batam Golf Beyond Tournament to be Held This Year

Offering Sport Tourism, Batam Golf Beyond Tournament to be Held This Year

Offering Sport Tourism, Batam Golf Beyond Tournament to be Held This Year
Offering Sport Tourism, Batam Golf Beyond Tournament to be Held This Year

Batam is enhancing its appeal to attract more international tourists, with sport tourism being a key strategy. The upcoming Batam Golf Beyond Tournament, aimed at international athletes, is a significant event in this effort.

Ardiwinata, the Head of the Batam Culture and Tourism Office (Disbudpar), stated that they are focusing on sport tourism to draw tourists to Batam this year.

“The Batam Golf Beyond Tournament is targeting 300 international athletes from countries including Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Korea, and several European nations,” he said.

He is confident that this event will boost sport tourism, especially since Batam is a popular destination for golfers.

“Batam has some of the best golf courses, and this event is planned to be held at Palm Springs Country Club and Batam Island Country Club,” he added.

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The Batam Golf Beyond Tournament is scheduled for October 2024 and is open to the public.

“Hopefully, this event will be a major draw for Batam. The amenities, accessibility, and attractions are already in place to attract international tourists,” he said.

According to data from the Batam Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the number of international tourists visiting Batam in February 2024 was 112,687.

This figure represents a 43.08% increase compared to the previous month, where January 2024 saw 78,759 international visitors.

“International tourists visiting Batam in February 2024 were predominantly from Singapore, accounting for 50.97% of the total number of visitors in February 2024,” he noted.

In February 2024, the number of visitors from Singapore to Batam was 57,434. Additionally, visitors from Malaysia numbered 22,639, India 4,901, China 3,965, the Philippines 2,269, Australia 751, the UK 914, the US 860, Japan 906, and Germany 321.

“Among the top 10 countries, visitors from India saw a significant increase of 121.46% in February 2024 compared to the previous month,” he stated.

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