Home NEWS The Government Prohibits the Transportation of Goods Through Several Toll Roads

The Government Prohibits the Transportation of Goods Through Several Toll Roads

The Government Prohibits the Transportation of Goods Through Several Toll Roads (mehaffyweber)

To anticipate the booming flow of vehicles during the Christmas and New Year holidays, the government as of today will limit the transportation of goods that will pass through several toll roads in Indonesia.

This rule is contained in the Joint Decree of the Directorate General of Land Transportation, Korlantas Polri, Bina Marga Ministry of PUPR, numbered AJ.903/1/5/DRJD/2022, KEP/207/XII/2022, 36/PKS/Db/2022 Concerning Traffic Arrangements Cross Roads During the Period of Homecoming and Backflow of Transportation for Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023.

The restrictions to anticipate the booming flow of vehicles during the Christmas and new year holidays will be carried out on toll roads and non-toll roads.

The toll road sections that are included in the restrictions are:

  1. Lampung and South Sumatra:
    Bakauheni – Palembang
  2. Jakarta and Banten
    Jakarta – Tangerang – Peacock
  3. DKI Jakarta:
    a. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sedyatmo
    b. Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR)
  4. Jakarta and West Java:
    a. Jakarta – Cikampek
    b. Jakarta – Bogor – Ciawi – Cigombong
  5. West Java:
    a. Cikampek – Purwakarta – Padalarang – Cileunyi
    b. Cikampek – Palimanan
    c. Palimanan – Key
  6. West Java and Central Java:
    Button – Guardian.
  7. Central Java:
    a. Pejagan – Pemalang – Batang – Semarang
    b. Krapyak-Jatingaleh, Semarang
    c. Jatingaleh – Srondol, Semarang
    d. Jatingaleh – Muktiharjo, Semarang
    e. Semarang-Solo
  8. Central Java and East Java:
    Solo – Ngawi.
  9. East Java:
    a. Ngawi-Kertosono
    b. Mojokerto – Surabaya
    c. Surabaya – Gempol
    d. Surabaya-Gresik
    e. Gempol – Pandaan
    f. Gempol – Pasuruan
    g. Pasuruan – Probolinggo
    h. Pandaan – Malang

Therefore, as for the transportation of goods subject to restrictions, namely vehicles with a total permitted weight (JBI) of more than 14,000 kilograms, goods cars with 3 axles or more, attached trains or trailers, transporters of mineral materials (soil, sandstone), transporters of mining materials, and transporting building materials such as (iron, cement, and wood).

This provision does not apply to vehicles transporting oil or gas, export, and import goods, bottled drinking water, livestock, fertilizer, postal and money delivery, and groceries.

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