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NASA Finds Super-Earth, More Habitable?


Humans continue to find new habitable planets outside the solar system. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is one of the institutions carrying out this mission. They even managed to find a Super-Earth that is claimed to be habitable.

The Super-Earth, LP 890-9 c, is 40 times larger than Earth. According to NASA’s official website, the planet was discovered through the James Webb telescope.

In addition to having an ocean, this planet also orbits stars like Earth. The planet is said to orbit the star for 8.5 days.

In addition to the planet LP 890-9, scientists have also found other planets that meet the habitability criteria. These planets are outside our solar system or are called exoplanets.

According to the Space.com site, Super Earth meets the criteria of a habitable planet. To date, astronomers have discovered two dozen super-Earth-like exoplanets. Although not the best, theoretically, these planets are more habitable than Earth.

Then, what are the criteria for a habitable planet?

Researchers have established criteria that make planets suitable for habitation. Larger planets will tend to be geologically active. Leads to the evolution of living things.

So the most habitable planet would have roughly twice the mass of Earth and be between 20 percent and 30 percent larger in volume. These planets would also have oceans shallow enough for light to push life to the bottom of the ocean.

The average temperature that is safe to live in is around 77 degrees Fahrenheit or 25 degrees Celsius. The planet also has a thicker atmosphere than Earth as an insulating blanket.

Then, planets like the previous criteria will orbit stars that are older than the sun and provide life to thrive. Scientists think that the combination of these criteria would make a planet very habitable.

Furthermore, research suggests that the best chance for astronomers to find life on other planets is likely to be on a super-Earth, which has just been discovered. Most of these super-Earths also orbit cold dwarf stars, which have a lower mass and live longer than the Sun.

There are hundreds of dwarf stars as cold as the Sun. The scientists also found super-Earths orbiting 40 percent of the previously observed dwarf stars.

Using that number, astronomers estimate that there are 10 billion super-Earths in the habitable zone. A zone is a place where liquid water can live only in the Solar System.

Because all life on Earth uses water, and it is a crucial element in terms of habitation. Then based on current projections about 1/3 of the exoplanets are super-Earths.

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