Home NEWS Police Start Changing Vehicle Plate Color from Black to White

Police Start Changing Vehicle Plate Color from Black to White

The Indonesian National Police has started to change the color of the license plates of civilian vehicles from black to white. This change has started in January 2022 and is being carried out in stages.

Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General, Ahmad Ramadhan, at the National Police Headquarters, South Jakarta, Monday (24/1), explained, “For civilian motor vehicles that were or are currently black, the black base plate with white writing will be replaced with a white base plate with black writing. The implementation will be carried out in stages starting in January 2022.”

He said that the implementation of this scheme was carried out in stages with the target of motorists taking care of the renewal of the vehicle tax every five years.

Ramadhan explained, “The use of these number plates will gradually be prioritized with an extension of five years and for new vehicles.”

The reason for changing the color of the vehicle plate

This vehicle plate color change is aimed at the effectiveness of the application of ETLE. The use of a white base plate and black writing will make it easier for the surveillance camera system to read vehicle numbers on the road.

ETLE or Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement at the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya is the implementation of technology to record traffic violations electronically. This technology was created to support security, order, safety, and order in traffic.

The Director of Registration and Identification of the Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police, Brigadier General Yusri Yunus, said that the change in the color of the license plate of the motorized vehicle was in accordance with Police Regulation No. 07/2021.

Yusri explained that based on the results of the ANPR experiment, the use of a white base plate color and black writing can make it easier for the automatic plate recognition system (ANPR) to highlight the vehicle plate number clearly without any errors than the black base plate with white writing.

The benefits

According to him, the change in the basic color of this plate will be very beneficial for the community. With the existence of this system, the application of camera-based electronic ticketing will be able to be carried out, especially the electronic parking system can also be carried out.

What’s even more interesting is that the new plate will have a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip installed. The chip contains the personal vehicle data of the vehicle owner. These data include data on the prosecution of evidence of violations, electronic toll payments, to the use of electronic parking.

Yusri added, the application of the chip in the vehicle plate is the implementation of the 4.0 revolution in Indonesia. It is hoped that with breakthroughs in the application of new technology, Indonesia will switch from analog technology to digital technology quickly.

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