Thank you for your interest in contributing to Expat Life in Indonesia.
Expat Life in Indonesia welcomes contributions. For published articles, we will give rewards and appreciation directly to the writer. We look forward to receiving your contribution!
Why Write for "Expat Life in Indonesia"?
We accept articles from a diverse range of people – academics, journalists, students, travelers, NGO activists and people who have an interest in Indonesia. What is important is that you have something to say about Indonesia and the expat lifestyle.
Submitting an Article
- Please directly sending your work and any attachments to
- All work submitted must be written by you or the writer you represent. You must be the sole copyright holder for each article you submit. By submitting material, you acknowledge that you are legally entitled to distribute the work and to allow it to be redistributed. If you are a public relations firm or book publisher with copy to distribute, please include a note to that effect at the top of the article you submit.
- Articles should be Microsoft Word (or compatible) documents. For books please provide title, author, publisher and “out of print” if no longer available.
- We reserve the right to edit articles.
- We reserve the right for articles, artwork and images used in the print magazine to be published anywhere on our website, blog, syndicate through RSS or link via social media websites.
Contributor’s Terms & Conditions
Expat Life in Indonesia is published monthly on every 1st.
Please note our Terms and Conditions. In particular:
- All work submitted must be written by you or the writer you represent.
- We do not publish articles that have been published, in whole or in part, elsewhere.
- Please do not submit articles that are currently pending with another publication.
- Although we may express interest in receiving an article, the final decision about whether it will actually be published will not be made until it has been reviewed.
- Once your article has been accepted for publication in Expat Life in Indonesia, you may not submit that article, part of that article or similar content for publication elsewhere.
- We will give rewards and appreciation for content. All public writers also have a bio with their article where websites may be listed.