The government and Pertamina plan to use the MyPertamina application as a way to purchase RON 90 (Pertalite) and subsidized diesel fuel. This is done so that the distribution of the two types of fuel is right on target. Buyers will be required to use a QR scan to get fuel oil.
Head of the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas), Erika Retnowati, said that her party was still considering several things related to its implementation. Mainly, the subsidy targets residents who do not have a cell phone and a network.
“I think there are problems in the network and then in remote areas, later we will also look for a solution. Maybe going back to the manual route by entering the police number is an effort from us to continue to improve supervision so that it is more precise,” said Erika in a Hearing Meeting with the Commission. VII, Thursday (23/6/2022).
Due to these problems, Erika said that the implementation of the MyPertamina application as a fuel purchase transaction tool at gas stations is also still waiting for a proposal to revise Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 191 of 2014. She estimates that this process will be completed in September.
“We at BPH Migas have our target. We want it to be implemented in August at the latest. But of course, the authority is not with us, so we are waiting for the Presidential Decree to be called to discuss it,” said Erika.
Furthermore, Erika explained that in the Perpres revision proposal, in addition to redefining users of subsidized diesel fuel, the concept will also make changes to who has the right to use Solar and Pertalite subsidies.
The emergence of this policy idea is not without reason. The government is deemed necessary to control using RON 90 or Pertalite fuel oil (BBM) in the field. This is to spread it more accurately because now people can switch to Pertalite since the price of RON 92 or Pertamax fuel rose to Rp 12,500 per liter.
Member of Commission VII DPR, Mulyanto added that there is potential for the use of Pertalite BBM which currently has its status as a Special Assignment Fuel Type (JBKP) through a clustering system. This is done so that the distribution and distribution of BBM for the community can be more targeted.
Through this cluster system, later those who are entitled to buy Pertalite gasoline at Public Fuel Filling Stations (SPBU), for example, are users of two-wheeled vehicles or public vehicles.
“I, together with BPH Migas and Pertamina, did socialization, now this is related to the proposal. One of the implementations is we create a cluster. That is specifically for vehicles that have the right to use Pertalite, namely motorbikes, public transportation immediately gives a limit of only Pertalite. Meanwhile, for Pertamax, it’s free,” he said
As previously reported, Based on information from the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas), shortly, it will prohibit luxury cars from buying fuel oil (BBM) type Pertalite. Pertalite purchase will be seen from the amount of Cubicle Centimeter (CC) of each car.
Currently, BPH Migas and Pertamina are drafting technical guidelines regarding the criteria for vehicles that are entitled to purchase Pertalite as well as drafting a revision of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 191 of 2014 concerning the Supply, Distribution, and Retail Selling Price of Fuel Oil (fuel).
Head of BPH Migas, Erika Retnowati, said that the criteria included in the luxury car category will later refer to the size of the CC owned by the car. However, he has not detailed the amount of CC in question.