The extreme weather that has been happening for a while is attacking regions of Indonesia, including Bali. The extreme weather even caused damage and injuries in Bali (2/1).
Coordinator for Data and Information at the Center for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG) Region III Denpasar, Bali, I Nyoman Gede Wiryajaya, said last Monday that his party recorded wind speeds in some areas in Bali reaching 44 knots or extreme.
“The wind speed data was 44 knots or 81 km per hour at 15.23 WITA,” he said, Monday.
The strong winds and heavy rain, he continued, were the indirect effects of the movement of tropical cyclones which were still being observed in mainland western Australia.
“The Himawari-8 satellite image of the Enhanced-IR channel shows significant convective activity, especially in the western and northern parts of the system. Indirect impact in the next 24 hours Ex-TC Ellie on weather conditions in Indonesia,” he said.
Furthermore, the strong winds that occurred in Bali caused some trees to fall in some areas in Denpasar City and also in the Kuta area, Badung Regency last Monday.
Apart from that, there were also fallen trees that collapsed and hit vehicles and injured residents, namely the fallen tree that occurred at the Ngurah Rai By Pass, north of the median Sunrise, Sanur, South Denpasar, which hit one car and two motorbikes, at 15:45 WITA.
“The santen tree felled as a result of being hit by strong winds resulting in one parked car and two motorbikes being driven by the victim while crossing the TKP,” said Head of Public Relations of the Denpasar Police, Iptu I Ketut Sukadi.
Meanwhile, the vehicle that was hit by a Honda Scoopy motorcycle, Police Number DK 6288 MS, was driven by Ni Nengah Susanti (26). The victim suffered abrasions to his face.
Then, a motorcycle brand Vario Techno DK 5659 ABB driven by Komang Agus Merta Yasa (23). The driver who was the victim experienced pain in the neck, while the one who was riding on the back of Putu Desi Ariani (20) experienced nausea from the impact.
Then, the Daihatsu Terios DK 1995 MK was owned by I Komang Heri Suwantara and there were no victims because, at the time of the incident, the car was parked empty and left to accompany guests to Sanur Harbor.
In addition, in the waters of Nusa Penida a speedboat or boat was hit by quite a large wave last Monday. The boat’s windshield shattered, and the passengers – who are tourists – in it were injured.
Klungkung Police Chief AKBP I Nengah Sadiarta confirmed the incident and the victim was given medical treatment.
“As a result of this incident the victim only suffered injuries and is currently being given medical treatment,” AKBP Sadiarta said, Monday night.