Rising Cyber Attacks on Financial Services, OJK Prepares Preventive Measures

Hacking illustration. Hacking is one of cyber crimes. (Kevin Ku - Unsplash)

Technological advancements have revolutionized various aspects of society, including the financial sector. However, these advancements have also paved the way for a surge in cybercrimes, necessitating proactive measures to safeguard against such threats. Recognizing the potential risks to the financial services sector, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) in Indonesia has taken comprehensive steps to prevent cyber attacks and fortify the industry against digital vulnerabilities.

According to Mahendra Siregar, the Chairman of OJK’s Board of Commissioners, the gravity of the situation is evident from the data provided by the National Cyber and Encryption Agency (BSSN), which reported an alarming number of over 700 million cyber attacks in Indonesia in 2022. This proliferation of cybercrimes can be attributed to the rapid pace of digitization, which has left the financial services sector particularly susceptible to malicious activities.

In response, OJK has formulated a multi-pronged approach to cybersecurity, encompassing both regulatory and internal measures. As part of the regulatory framework, OJK issued the OJK Regulation (POJK) concerning the implementation of information technology by commercial banks. This regulation serves as a comprehensive guideline to ensure that banks prioritize robust cybersecurity practices and remain vigilant against potential threats.

Furthermore, OJK has issued circulars outlining the adoption of risk management principles in the utilization of information technology by commercial banks.

These circulars emphasize the importance of aligning operational processes with international best practices and creating a security-oriented culture within financial institutions. Mahendra Siregar emphasizes the significance of consistent implementation and industry-wide compliance with these measures to ensure effective cybersecurity.

OJK’s commitment to consumer protection is evident in their proactive efforts to raise awareness and enhance financial literacy regarding cybersecurity risks.

Through extensive educational programs and initiatives, OJK aims to empower consumers and equip them with the knowledge to identify and mitigate potential threats. By fostering a better understanding of cybersecurity, OJK endeavors to create a more resilient financial ecosystem where individuals can confidently navigate the digital landscape.

Internally, OJK places a high priority on safeguarding its own systems against cyberattacks. Mirza Adityaswara, the Vice Chairman of OJK’s Board of Commissioners, highlights the layered security measures in place to fortify OJK’s networks, email systems, databases, and endpoint servers.

By adhering to international best practices and implementing regular penetration tests, OJK ensures the resilience of its internal infrastructure. Moreover, OJK maintains a continuous emphasis on employee awareness and conducts extensive training programs to promote a cybersecurity-conscious workforce.

OJK’s commitment to cybersecurity aligns with global trends and concerns within the financial services sector. Checkpoint Research’s data for 2022 reveals a staggering statistic: the financial services industry experiences an average of 1,131 cyberattacks per week. Recognizing the severity of the issue, OJK remains steadfast in its determination to fortify the financial services sector against cyber threats and maintain the integrity of the industry.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) also highlights the substantial financial impact of cybercrimes. According to their data from 2020, the global financial services sector incurs average annual losses amounting to approximately US$100 billion due to cyberattacks. This alarming figure underscores the urgent need for comprehensive cybersecurity measures and highlights the importance of OJK’s proactive approach to protect the financial stability and trust within the industry.