The prevalence of artificial intelligence (AI) on digital platforms is on the rise, and Indonesian society is increasingly dependent on this technology. However, the integration of AI is not without its challenges and potential risks. The Indonesian Telematics Society (Mastel) recognizes the importance of promptly establishing regulations related to artificial intelligence (AI) to address these concerns.
Johny Siswandi, the Head of the Legal Recommendations Division of Telematics at Mastel, stresses the multitude of risks associated with the unregulated use of artificial intelligence. According to Johny, AI regulations are of utmost urgency due to the potential risks that could emerge in the absence of proper governance. These risks encompass various forms of disruptions that could spiral out of control, as articulated by Johny on Wednesday (11/10/2023).
The potential disruptions alluded to by Johny include disturbances in the job market, the proliferation of fake news, biased reporting, and the increased incidence of fraud. These disruptions have reached a level where they can significantly disrupt societal harmony.
In light of these concerns, Johny calls upon the government to swiftly organize a discussion group (FGD) and conduct surveys that involve experts in the field. His appeal is clear: “Yes, we must arrange for FGDs and surveys to assess the urgency of AI regulation. It is crucial to bring together AI experts for these discussions,” emphasizes Johny.
Drawing inspiration from the experiences of countries that have previously implemented AI-related regulations, Johny hopes that the forthcoming regulatory framework will strike a balance. It should address the growing perils associated with AI without stifling the innovative potential of this technology.
In his own words, “The content of these regulations should be laser-focused on curtailing the unchecked hazards associated with AI, all the while nurturing an environment conducive to innovation.”
Building on these sentiments, Deputy Minister Nezar Patria from the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology recognizes the need for comprehensive policies that address the evolving landscape of AI. These policies encompass content moderation, ensuring balance, mitigating discrimination, and promoting digital literacy.
Nezar emphasizes the importance of acknowledging that AI introduces an array of risks, such as privacy violations and the potential misuse of intellectual property. These issues warrant meticulous and careful handling.
Moreover, Usman Kansong, the Director-General of Public Communication and Information, reaffirms the commitment to ensuring that AI-related regulations do not hinder the progress of technology. This underlines the government’s commitment to advancing the adoption of AI while safeguarding the interests and well-being of its citizens.