After the flood that submerged parts of Jakarta, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan claims that a number of areas that had been flooded had receded.
Anies Baswedan revealed that the decrease in water discharge in a number of areas that had been flooded had been observed since early Monday, February 22, 2021 at around 3:00 WIB.
“Monday morning, 3 am this morning. It is confirmed that it has receded 100 percent, ”said Anies Baswedan after leading the 2021 Cross Jaya Operation Apple on Monday, 22 February 2021 at the DKI Jakarta City Hall.
He hopes that the receding flood will be able to restore the economy in Jakarta and return to normal. Likewise with government activities in the capital city, especially public services. Recently, heavy rain and extreme weather have caused flooding in several areas of Jakarta. It was recorded that 113 RWs consisting of 342 RTs were affected by the flood on Saturday, February 20, 2021.
Meanwhile floods have inundated 33 villages in Karawang District, West Java, in the course of the last few days and spread to wider areas.
Incessant heavy rains triggered several rivers to overflow their banks, thereby caused flooding in 15 sub-districts, according to data from the Karawang Disaster Mitigation Office (BPBD) here on Sunday.
The Citarum, Cibeet, Cikaranggelam, Cikareteg, and Cilamaya rivers overflowed.
The floods affected 14,754 families comprising 52,527 people. Of the total, 3,393 households comprising 19,092 people were displaced, according to the disaster mitigation office. Acting District Head of Karawang Acep Jamhuri stated that the floodwaters had spread to inundate 33 villages in 15 sub-districts.