Indonesia, besides being a country prone to natural disasters, is also prone to artificial disasters.
According to the Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian, Indonesian people are prone to natural disasters such as violent conflicts and terror attacks.
Tito explained the Indonesian nation is also vulnerable to non-natural disasters. Such as outbreaks of endemic infectious diseases, epidemics, and pandemics like Covid-19.
“There are also disasters that are made by humans themselves, for example, violent conflicts that cause many victims, terror attacks, and others,” he said.
In the online event of the 2022 Disaster Preparedness Day, Wednesday (27/4/2022), he explained, “Our country is destined by a zone that is prone to natural disasters, located on plates, faults, rings of fire with more than 100 volcanoes still remaining. are actively vulnerable to natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, floods, waves, landslides, earthquakes.”
Therefore, Tito invites all parties and the community to always be ready to face disasters starting from the planning, execution, and mitigation levels.
According to him, good cooperation and collaboration are needed to deal with disasters with BNPB.
Tito also appreciated the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) for showing extraordinary dedication in handling disasters such as pandemics, earthquakes, tsunamis, and others.