Integrated Regional Structuring Will Be Done in 514 Regencies and Cities


In the context of poverty alleviation, as many as 514 regencies and cities in Indonesia will receive integrated area arrangement treatment carried out by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR).

The plan is that this arrangement will be carried out in stages until 2024.

This was confirmed by PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono. He said that the PUPR Ministry’s support for handling extreme poverty was carried out through integrated planning by the Regional Infrastructure Development Agency (BPIW) which was followed up by programs in the field of creative works and housing.

Data from the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) is the basis for sharpening the locus of handling extreme poverty to identify sub-districts to the village/urban village and neighborhood/hamlet levels.

“The BKKBN data contains information on 3 indicators related to PUPR infrastructure, namely access to main drinking water sources, access to sanitation, and uninhabitable houses,” said Basuki in his official statement, Wednesday (13/4/2022).

The Ministry of PUPR’s support for extreme poverty handling covers 212 priority districts/cities through regular cash labor-intensive programs (PKT) in the field of Human Settlements/settlements consisting of the provision of drinking water and community-based sanitation (Pamsimas), community-based sanitation (Sanimas), socio-economic infrastructure development area (PISEW), the city without slums (KOTAKU), plus a program in the housing sector, namely Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance (BSPS). All of these programs will be implemented in 2022.

Previously, these programs have been gradually implemented in 35 priority districts/cities in 2021 and are targeted to be distributed nationally to 514 cities/regencies by 2023-2024.

Furthermore, the Public-Based Infrastructure Support (IBM) of the Ministry of PUPR aims to realize participatory and sustainable infrastructure development by involving community participation in decision making, implementation of activities, monitoring, and evaluation, as well as utilization of development results.

Meanwhile, the provision of livable houses through BPSP is government assistance for Low-Income Communities (MBR) to encourage and increase self-sufficiency in improving the quality of houses and infrastructure, facilities, and utilities in general with recipients who meet several requirements, including those who do not yet own a house.

“Currently, an investigation is underway on the readiness of the location/target and the type of handling that is planned for physical implementation starting in June 2022,” he explained.