PT KAI Daop 1 Jakarta confirmed that long-distance train trips from Gambir Station and Pasar Senen Station will return to normal today, Wednesday, February 24, 2021.
Previously, the train trip was interrupted for several days due to flooding at the Kedunggedeh – Lemah Abang Station Km 55 +100 to Km 53 + 600.
In total there are 15 departures from Daop 1 Jakarta, 8 trains departing from Gambir Station and 7 trains departing from Pasar Senen Station.
All trains will run normally after the repair of the track which was closed. Previously, the extreme weather that occurred in Jabodetabek caused on Saturday, February 20, 2021 to increase the water discharge of the Citarum and Cibeet rivers and a number of dams.
This condition caused flooding in the area of the rail line between Lemah Abang – Kedung Gedeh and caused the foundation of the railway line to be eroded by the swift flow of the flood. To support the process of accelerating repairs to normalize the railroad track due to flooding across Kedunggedeh – Lemah Abang Station, PT KAI Daop 1 Jakarta mobilized around 200 workers for the recovery process.
To reduce water flow, PT KAI also lowered several heavy equipment to support the accelerated handling process consisting of 2 Multi Tie Tamper (MTT) units, 2 Profile Balast Regulator (PBR) units, 1 TG / Rail Road Excavator unit and 1 Excavator unit.