Mysterious Acute Kidney Failure Reaches 192 Cases

Mysterious Kidney Failure Affects Indonesian Children (illustration)

The Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) reported that cases of acute kidney failure affecting children in Indonesia reached 192 cases as of Tuesday (18/10). Based on these data, most cases are dominated by children aged 1-5 years.

Chairman of the IDAI Central Management, dr. Piprim Basarah Yanuarso, SpA(K) said the cases were found in 20 provinces in Indonesia, including DKI Jakarta, West Java, to Aceh.

However, Piprim clarified that the number of sufferers of this mysterious acute kidney disorder does not mean that there is a spike in cases. Instead, data from IDAI branches in several provinces were received only recently.

“What we have collected are 192 cases from 20 provinces,” said Piprim in an online press conference, Tuesday (18/10/2022).

Piprim explained that the data was cumulative data since January 2022. The details are 2 cases in January, 2 cases in March, 6 cases in May, 3 cases in June, 9 cases in July, 37 cases in August, and 81 cases in September. Meanwhile, the sufferers are still dominated by infants under the age of five years (toddlers).

“So the total is 192 (cases). But this is data from members, so it’s not real-time that we can follow closely,” he said.

Based on the distribution, acute kidney injury (AKI) cases are most widely spread in DKI Jakarta with a total of 50 cases.

West Java with 24 cases, East Java with 24 cases, West Sumatra with 21 cases, Aceh with 18 cases, and Bali with 17 cases. While other provinces ranged from 1-2 cases.

So far, said Piprim, IDAI and the Ministry of Health are still looking for the exact cause of this disease.

Along the way, several allegations have emerged, such as other viral infections, ethylene glycol poisoning (intoxication), Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C), or multisystem inflammatory syndrome after Covid-19.

“For the usual MIS-C, we have experience with the drugs. But some patients do not improve (after treatment). There is also suspicion of drugs containing ethylene glycol, we are currently examining this,” explained Piprim.

Clinical symptoms found (prodromal) in patients with mysterious acute kidney disorders generally include gastrointestinal infections, fever, ARI, cough, runny nose, and vomiting. Then, unable to urinate or dry urine (anuria), and lack of urine content (oliguria).

On the other hand, the Indonesian Ministry of Health asked parents to calm down and not panic. Parents are also asked to remain vigilant if their child shows several symptoms.

“Continue to monitor the health of our children. If the child has complaints that lead to acute kidney failure, you should immediately consult a health worker. Do not delay or seek self-medication,” advised Plt. Director of Referral Health Services dr. Yanti Herman, MH. Case, quoted from the official website of the Indonesian Ministry of Health.