PLN Will Build SPKLU in Sulawesi, Papua and Nusa Tenggara. What Is That?

Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU). Republika/Binti Sholikah

The State Electricity Company (PLN) in 2022 plans to build 14 SPKLU or Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Sulawesi, Papua, and Nusa Tenggara. This was confirmed directly by the Regional Business Director for Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua and Nusa Tenggara PLN, Adi Priyanto, through a statement released in Makassar

This program is also an effort by the government to accelerate the Battery-Based Electric Motorized Vehicle (KBLBB) program in Indonesia. The existence of this program indicates that Indonesia is preparing for the era of electric vehicles.

He said, “We also invite investors to collaborate in the SPKLU partnership program with the sharing economy business model.

The launch of these 6 SPKLUs was carried out simultaneously in Eastern Indonesia. These areas are Manado, Kendari, Ambon, Labuan Bajo, Mataram, and Jayapura.

The mayor of Kendari, Sulkarnain Kadir, also gave his opinion. According to him, the existence of electric vehicles in Kendari City can save vehicle operating costs by up to 70 percent. Not only save costs, but electric vehicles can also protect the climate.

On the same occasion, the General Manager of PLN UIW Sulselrabar, Awaluddin Hafid, said that the SPKLU PLN ULP Wuawua Kendari had been integrated with the charge.IN application. He added, “This SPKLU is also equipped with fast charging facilities. Charging the battery from 0-100 percent only takes 180 minutes and can cover a distance of 300 kilometers.

The SPKLU PLN ULP Wuawua with a capacity of 2×25 Kilo Watt (KW) which was built for approximately one month has several features, namely Fast Charging technology for DC-DC 25 kW and DC-DC-AC 25 kW. This tool also allows customers to charge in 180 minutes in conditions of 0-100 percent so that they can cover a distance of 300 kilometers (battery capacity 38.9 kWh).

SPKLU construction in Papua

In addition, in the Papua region, PT PLN is focusing its development in Jayapura City.

General Manager of PLN Main Unit for Papua and West Papua Region Abdul Farid in Jayapura, Tuesday (18/1/2022), said PLN UIW Papua and West Papua are ready to encourage the provision of infrastructure and facilities to meet the needs of electric vehicle owners. “The PLN SPKLU facility is currently in the process of sending an Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger from Jakarta.