The G20 agenda that makes Indonesia the presidency is still ongoing. Most recently, the Government will discuss four priority education agendas in the Education Working Group in the G20 2022 presidency.
Director-General of Teachers and Education Personnel of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) Iwan Syahril said the first priority is solidarity and partnership. According to him, the agenda is closely related to the Indonesian culture of gotong royong or mutual cooperation.
“We want to use the cultural wisdom of our country to help reimagine the future. We believe the only way to move forward and overcome global education problems is to support each other and collaborate,” said Iwan in an official statement as quoted on Monday (14/2).
The second agenda is universal quality education. He explained that the universal quality education agenda departs from the challenge of encouraging equal access and quality of education at all levels, especially for vulnerable groups after the COVID-19 recovery.
He added that this agenda is also a form of affirmation of Indonesia’s commitment to realizing quality education for all.
Furthermore, the third agenda is the development of digital technology in education. Iwan said the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology wanted to sharpen discussions and solutions on how digital technology can answer problems of access, quality, and social justice in education.
Finally, the focus is on the future of work after COVID-19. Regarding this agenda, the Ministry of Education and Culture believes that the needs of the world of work after the COVID-19 pandemic have changed. Therefore, the world must rethink how education can answer the challenges of the future.
Furthermore, Iwan said that Indonesia’s G20 presidency was significant because Indonesia held a leadership relay in a cooperation forum of 19 countries and the European Union. Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Culture invites all parties to collaborate and strengthen each other to recover together after the pandemic.
“During this presidency, Indonesia will show how the culture of gotong royong can inspire the world to together recover from the pandemic, move forward, and rebuild a better world,” he said.
On the same occasion, the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Nadiem Anwar Makarim said the COVID-19 pandemic had made Indonesia more aware of the value of gotong royong to recover and rise together.
He invited all parties to work together to rise together after the pandemic and to make Indonesia’s G20 presidency a success.
“I want to invite all parties to strengthen cooperation so that we can succeed in the G20 Indonesia presidency, and realize the freedom to learn, freedom to practice the culture,” said Nadiem.