Ministry of Tourism Develops Storytelling-Based Historical Trail in Joglosemar

Borobudur Temple, One of Super Priority Tourism Destinations
Borobudur Temple, One of Super Priority Tourism Destinations

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is embarking on an ambitious project to create a storytelling-based tourism map known as the “Historical Trail of Joglosemar,” covering the regions of Yogyakarta, Solo, and Semarang (Joglosemar). This initiative aims to provide a rich, cultural travel experience that integrates history and modernity.

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, highlighted the significance of this cultural route. “The Historical Trail of Joglosemar will weave together the rich history and UNESCO-recognized cultural heritage of the region. It’s an opportunity to showcase our history and legacy,” he said on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.

The trail promises more than just cultural immersion. It will incorporate historical transport routes, main commodities from the era of early modernization, old cities, and legendary traditional dishes. This comprehensive approach ensures that tourists receive a well-rounded experience.

“This travel route will offer elements of education, experience, and entertainment through four thematic tourism trails, providing new activity options for tourists in the Joglosemar area,” Sandiaga elaborated in an official statement.

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To facilitate the development of this cultural route, the Deputy for Tourism Products and Event Organizers organized a “Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for the Development of the Historical Trail of Joglosemar” in Yogyakarta on May 14, 2024. The goal of this discussion was to expedite the creation of a well-defined cultural travel pattern.

Itok Parikesit, Director of Special Interest Tourism at the Ministry, emphasized the route’s sustainable tourism principles and collaborative efforts. “This cultural tourism route will be developed with an emphasis on sustainable tourism destination principles and hexa helix collaboration,” he noted.

He further added, “We hope this travel pattern will generate a multiplier effect for tourism operators, MSMEs (micro, small, and medium enterprises), and empower local communities to manage tourism in the Joglosemar area.”

The Ministry’s initiative aligns with their target of creating 4.4 million jobs by 2024, aiming to boost the national economy. “This project is part of our broader strategy to enhance economic opportunities and support local communities,” Itok stated.

In 2021, a similar initiative was launched in the Borobudur area, called the “Borobudur Trail of Civilization.” This trail features nine sub-themes of activities spread across various villages, providing a model for the Joglosemar project.

The Ministry’s efforts to integrate history, culture, and modern tourism are set to create a unique and enriching experience for both local and international tourists. The Historical Trail of Joglosemar is not just a travel route but a journey through Indonesia’s rich heritage, promising a memorable experience for all who embark on it.