Tag: Oil and Gas Resource
Buton Offshore Area Holds Oil Potential of 5 Billion Barrels
In a groundbreaking discovery, Indonesia, known for its vast natural resources, has revealed a significant oil potential in the Buton offshore area, located in...
Bali and Lombok Unveil Significant Natural Gas Potential!
Indonesia's natural riches have earned global recognition, with various regions boasting unique and valuable resources. In the latest development, Bali and Lombok have emerged...
This Largest Gas Source in Indonesia Will Be Tendered Soon
Indonesia's natural wealth does not need to be doubted. This time, the government is preparing to tender for the East Natuna Block, the largest...
Improving the Investment Climate Becomes the Government’s Attention
The Indonesian government is serious about improving the investment climate. This is a must considering the discovery of oil and gas reserves in Aceh...