The Multi-Lane Free Flow System (MLFF) is coming soon. The implementation trial of the non-cash and contactless toll road transaction system is planned to be carried out on the Bali-Mandara Toll Road this year.
Certainty, the trial news was conveyed by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR).
Regarding why the Bali-Mandara Toll Road is chosen as the implementation of the MLFF, it is because the toll road has a short distance.
While other considerations are due to the geographical conditions of Bali which is an island so that the flow of vehicle traffic is easier to control.
The transition trial of the Multi-lane Free Flow (MLFF) system is backward from the previous schedule which will be trialed at the end of December 2022 and will be held in January 2023. However, the trial schedule is postponed again.
Director General of Highways Hedy Rahadian at the DPR RI Building, Tuesday (17/1/23), said that the MLFF trial on the Bali-Mandara Toll Road would be carried out by the PUPR Ministry in March 2023.
Before expanding the trial of the MLFF system on other toll roads, continued Hedy, the PUPR Ministry will focus on evaluating the trial system on the Bali-Mandara Toll Road first.
“Later we will expand it, we will evaluate it in Bali, what problems we will use later,” he said.
This trial plan is also supported by the results of research conducted by the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) in July 2022. The research stated that 92.2 percent of the 1,341 toll users surveyed said they agreed with the MLFF system.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency for the PUPR Ministry Danang Parikesit said the trial was carried out in stages during the transition period. Users could directly transact with the MLFF system using an application without going through the toll booth, but the gates for conventional non-cash transactions remained.
Danang explained, toll road users only need to download the Cantas application to be able to carry out the MLFF transaction system which will be registered based on their identity and also the vehicle.
According to him, with MLFF using this application, the toll transaction system will be faster because users no longer need to stop to attach their electronic cards so there are no more queues at toll gates. In addition, MLFF makes toll collection operational costs more efficient.