The Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, ensured that the government’s PeduliLindungi app would soon be integrated with the Apple Watch and Samsung Watch. This app feature will even be improved though the government has revoked the PPKM regulations.
For example, for general check-ups, later this data can be included in an integration platform program called Satu Sehat, including recorded data such as CT scans, MRIs, drug prescriptions, and community activities.
“If we use an Apple Watch or Samsung Watch, it will be integrated and become the property of an individual,” he said.
“We are the sub-sector, we make the One Healthy system,” he said.
Note, currently the government is preparing an umbrella strategy for the integration of one government data. Where this data will be entered into one data, health data, financial data, social data, and natural resource data.
So that later all facilities such as health centers, clinics, pharmacies, to laboratories must integrate their data into the Satu Sehat program. Including Care for Protect which the system will use in the program.
“Later PeduliLindungi will be transformed into the Satu Sehat platform, where friends who already have it can download and use it. But its function is not only for vaccines and scanning but can know what immunizations our children have, for example, check blood in the laboratory, for example, Prodia can enter the data there,” said Budi Gunadi.
Later the One Healthy system can be owned by the community and can be shown to doctors. The goal is to clear the health recap per individual in recent years.
“Check-up is there (pain) in the intestine because you like stomach pain like to buy stomach pain medicine, so the doctor will know much more quickly. This can also be used by the local government by the health service to understand population health as well, so that intervention is more appropriate,” he said.
Later the one health system is targeted to be completed and integrated by the end of 2023 so that in 2024 it can be utilized.