Indonesia’s pride, the advanced LRT Jabodebek, has swiftly become a favored mode of transportation, boasting an impressive 4,554,751 users by the close of 2023. This sleek transport system, standing alongside the WHOOSH high-speed train, has captured the hearts of the public.
Anticipating the enthusiastic response from the community, the Indonesia Railways Corporation (KAI) is setting ambitious goals for LRT Jabodebek in 2024.
These objectives include elevating daily user averages, increasing the frequency of journeys, and ensuring punctuality. In the coming year, KAI aims to cater to an average of 69,000 users daily, facilitating 240 journeys daily, with an impressive on-time performance target of 99 percent.
Mahendro Trang Bawono, the Manager of Public Relations for LRT Jabodebek, expressed the commitment to continual service improvement, aiming to provide an outstanding experience for users. “We also hope that enhancements in all service aspects will reignite public interest in using LRT Jabodebek,” he stated.
Since its inauguration by President Joko Widodo on August 28, 2023, until the end of the year, LRT Jabodebek has served an astounding 4,554,751 users. This equates to an average of over 36,000 users per day. September 2023 witnessed the highest user turnout, with 1,506,191 users. Notably, the record for the highest number of users in a single day was set on September 28, 2023, with a remarkable 88,051 users.
Dukuh Atas Station, Harjamukti Station, and Bekasi Barat Station emerged as the busiest stations throughout 2023, collectively attending to 1,809,692 users.
Operationally, this transportation executed an impressive 22,855 journeys, maintaining an admirable average on-time performance of 98.90 percent. The headway, representing the time between trains, witnessed a gradual reduction. Initially set at 10 to 20 minutes, the wait time between trains eventually narrowed to an efficient range of 7.5 to 15 minutes.
As LRT Jabodebek continues to redefine public transportation, the future looks promising with its commitment to enhanced service and increased user satisfaction.