Cisumdawu Toll Road Operation Is Delayed Due to Landslide Disaster

Cisumdawwu Toll Road
Cisumdawwu Toll Road

Due to the landslide disaster, the overall operation of the Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan or Cisumdawu (Cisumdawu) Toll Road in June 2022 seems difficult to realize.

This was confirmed by the Head of the Office of Highways and Spatial Planning of West Java Province, Bambang Tirtoyuliono. He said that based on information from the PUPR Ministry, the Cisumdawu Toll Road is planned to be fully operational in September this year.

“I received information from the center that in section two between Rancakalong Sumedang there was a 550-meter landslide. It would be unsafe to pass it. So what was planned for this June to be completed, it turned out that it could not be done due to technical aspects. This requires sufficient time to handle,” he said.

According to him, it is possible that by September 2022, the entire Cisumdawu Toll Road from sections one to six will be used.

“September [Cisumdawu Toll Road] can be used,” he said, Monday (4/18/2022).

For information, the Cileunyi–Sumedang–Dawuan Toll Road or abbreviated as Cisumdawu Toll Road is a 62.60 km long toll road part of the Trans Java Toll Road in West Java.

This toll road connects Bandung, Sumedang, and Majalengka areas. This toll road also crosses Bandung Regency, Sumedang Regency, and Majalengka Regency.

The Cisumdawu toll road is part of the toll road that connects the two largest cities in West Java, namely Bandung and Cirebon. Later, this toll road will be connected to the Cikopo-Palimanan Toll Road.

On the other hand, West Java Governor M Ridwan Kamil ensured that only section one of the Cisumdawu Toll Road can be used for Lebaran 2022 homecoming flows (from Cileunyi, Bandung Regency to Pamulihan, Sumedang Regency) can be used.

“The Cisumdawu toll road is used for homecoming, only section one has been opened. Yes, so while the information is still [only section one has been opened] later if there is news there is an addition at the following exit, I will let you know. But as of today, only exit [section one], ” said Ridwan Kamil.

Ridwan Kamil said that he had met with the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono, it was known that the inauguration of all sections of the Cisumdawu Toll Road would be carried out in June 2022.

“However, with the landslide, it is indeed hampered, but efforts are being made in June 2022 according to the schedule to be opened. Only those operating, of course, opened yesterday. Until the Sumedang area,” he said.

Thus, he said, the two exits of the Cisumdawu Toll Road which were operated, namely section one, could be used by the public to go home to Sumedang.

“So people can go home to Sumedang, it can be used via two exits [Cisumdawu Toll Road Section One],” he explained.

The construction of the Cisumdawu Section 1 Cileunyi–Pamulihan Toll Road was carried out with a Feasibility Test on January 17–18 2022, to ensure that the technical specifications for the requirements and equipment of the toll road are following traffic management and safety standards have been properly met.