During the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is not yet known when it will end, the government requires companies in regional areas where the rate of transmission of the Covid-19 virus is still high to implement a Work From Home system for their employees.
Even though working from home seems to be fun and relaxing, it’s not uncommon for working hours to be limitless. Plus a heavy workload. These things can cause burnout. Even psychics can be disturbed if you can not manage stress properly.
There are several characteristics of someone starting to burn out, those are: feeling tired, the emergence of negative feelings towards the work being done, and reduced professional effectiveness.
Based on an online poll by CNNIndonesia.com, 77.3 percent of people experience burnout for various reasons. As many as 46.7 percent feel they have to be on standby 24 hours during WFH, 38.7 percent receive a lot of work overload, and 14.6 percent because of marathon meetings in a day.
Then, how to manage good mental health? Check out some of the following tips.
Tell the brain that the work is done.
Take a break from work when the work is over by switching focus, from professional mode to relaxation mode. You do this by looking at the environment, breathing fresh air, and interacting with people around you.
Telling other people that work is over can also strengthen the mindset that we are done, and now it’s time to rest.
Eat with Focus.
When eating, focus only on eating. Don’t eat while working. When we can focus on enjoying food, without thinking about work or playing on a smartphone, the brain can come back fresh and bring happiness.
Eating in a focused and calm state can bring feelings of happiness and pleasure to yourself.
Doing a Brain Dump.
One of the signs of loss of focus and burnout is the number of thoughts that come together at the same time, your thoughts seem to move faster than usual. This can lead to mental fatigue.
A powerful way to deal with it is to write down all the disturbing thoughts. According to the therapist at Rest Renew Therapy, United States, Samantha Kingma, overcoming this by writing it down in a note can give the mind the freedom to distract itself from worries and other unproductive thoughts. Brain dump paper can be stored or disposed of directly.
Take a walk around the house after lunch.
Managing the next stress can be done by walking around the home environment. A study shows that taking a walk can help mentally process the emotions and stress that the body feels. Therefore, taking a walk is also useful for resetting the mind. To be effective, this activity can be done for 15-20 minutes after lunch to get back to work refreshed.