Indonesia is committed to becoming a zero-emission and green economy country. As a step to achieve this, the Government is currently working on a roadmap for the national economic transformation. The government targets this map to be completed in early 2023.
Secretary of the Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN) Taufik Hanafi, explained that there are at least 6 objectives that will be mapped out by the government’s realization strategy (roadmap).
These include increasing human capital, increasing economic productivity, applying green economy principles, accelerating digital transformation, creating domestic economic integration, and developing the Indonesian Capital City (IKN).
“The goal (in roadmap) is to increase the productivity of various business sectors and strengthen the added value of the industry,” said Taufik when he was a speaker at the “National Development Policymaking on Decarbonization to Achieve Clean and Affordable Electricity” in Bali, Monday (8/8/2022).
Taufik explained that the implementation of the economic transformation strategy would first be implemented in Bali. As is well known, Bali’s economy has been hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The initial application in Bali is quite reasonable. This is because the Island of the Gods has been hit hard because of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has killed the pulse of the regional economy, namely tourism.
In the low season period, the occupancy rate of five-star hotels in Bali could even fall to the range of 5-12 percent in 2021, according to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS).
In the same year, to be precise in June 2021, which is the high season in the tourism sector, the occupancy rate of five-star hotels in Bali only rose to a level of 22.61 percent.
For information, Green Economy or green economy is an economic idea that aims to improve the welfare and social equality of the community, while reducing the risk of environmental damage significantly.
This Green Economy can also be interpreted as an economy that is low or does not produce carbon dioxide emissions to the environment, saves natural resources, and is socially just.
The difference between a green economy and other economic ideas is the direct assessment of natural capital and ecological services as economic value and cost accounting where the costs that are realized to society can be traced back and calculated as liabilities, entities that do not harm or neglect assets.
To realize a green economy, the Indonesian government has been working progressively on the planning of the Low Carbon Development Initiative (PRK) since the initiative was launched at UNFCC COP 23. The CRP initiative aims to explicitly include environmental considerations – such as targets for reducing greenhouse gases and reducing energy levels. support into the development planning framework.
Phase 1 of Indonesia’s CRP initiative has been adopted into the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN). Currently, the CRP initiative in Indonesia has entered phase 2, namely the implementation phase.