How to Register PeduliLindungi Application for Indonesian and Foreign Citizens Who Are Vaccinated Abroad


Having and being registered with the PeduliLindungi application has become a mandatory standard for people who have been vaccinated. By using this application, residents can enter public facilities, track travel, and get information about the spread of Covid-19 in their environment.

Then what if the Indonesian citizen or foreign has been vaccinated abroad?

The government has finally launched a new feature in the PeduliLindungi application that can accommodate foreign nationals (WNA) and Indonesian citizens (WNI) who receive the Covid-19 vaccine abroad. The Chief Digital Transformation Office (DTO) of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), Setiaji, said this feature aims to make it easier for foreigners and Indonesian citizens who received the Covid-19 vaccine abroad to access the PeduliLindungi application. Because, so far, the PeduliLindungi application only contains vaccine certificates available in Indonesia.

Registration steps

For foreigners and Indonesian citizens who want to register for the PeduliLindungi application, they can access the page. Through this page, foreigners and Indonesian citizens can apply for verification first.

registration site interface

They will be asked to create an account first by filling in a number of personal data, starting from their name, e-mail address, mobile number, country prefix number (country prefix number), and password. Once the account is created, the user will be prompted to log in to start the process. Then, fill in the form that includes individual data, photo identification, vaccination data, and a photo of the vaccination card. Next, the registrant’s data will be verified

The Ministry of Health will verify Indonesian citizens, while for foreigners it will be carried out by the embassies of each country of origin. Setiaji explained, “Registration confirmation on the website will be sent via registered email in a maximum of 3 working days”.

After the data is verified, Indonesian citizens and foreigners can download the PeduliLindungi application on their devices. Then, log in to the PeduliLindungi account by filling in with e-mail or phone number.

After that, follow the next steps, including the application access permissions and the contents of the data requested by the PeduliLindungi application.

The certificate can be checked via the “account> vaccine certificate> menu”. Click on the user name. Later, a non-Indonesian vaccination certificate card (VNI) will appear with a different design from the vaccine certificate for people who received vaccines in Indonesia.

After information on vaccine certificates carried out abroad has appeared in the application, Indonesian citizens and foreigners can use it to enter areas of public facilities that require access to the PeduliLindungi application.