The number of child diabetes cases is increasingly worrying. Therefore, to reduce it, the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) encourages the government to limit junk food advertisements.
Previously, IDAI said cases of child diabetes in 2023 had increased by 70 times since 2010. IDAI data records that there are around 1,645 children in Indonesia who have diabetes.
The carbohydrate content in food and beverage products such as milk, sweet drinks, cakes, snacks, and biscuits also needs to be written on the packaging.
Chairman of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) Piprim Basarah Yanuarso, said, “Limit junk food advertisements, write down the carbohydrate content equivalent to how many grams of sugar, give a warning ‘Excessive consumption can cause diabetes.”
This effort, explained Piprim, is related to the limit of daily sugar consumption in children. According to him, the government can do that if it is determined to reduce the number of diabetes in children.
“Less than 24 grams,” he explained.
Another thing the government can do, especially for type 1 diabetes mellitus, is by providing insulin and testing tools.
That way, people can more quickly know about diabetes among children.
“For DM (Diabetes mellitus) type 1 to meet the needs of insulin and self-checking blood sugar devices for patients,” he added.
As previously reported, Head of the IDAI Endocrinology Coordinating Work Unit Muhammad Faizi said that cases of diabetes in children may be higher than what has been recorded so far.
The recorded data comes from 15 cities in Indonesia. Starting from Jakarta, Surabaya, Palembang, to Medan. Of these, most reports came from Jakarta and Surabaya.
In addition, diabetes was also found to affect girls more than boys.
“There are 59 percent more girls who are recorded as having diabetes,” he said.
Meanwhile, according the age, Faizi noted that pediatric diabetes patients are generally 10-14 years old. The amount is about 46 percent of the total reported figures.
While children aged 5-9 percent were found to contribute to 31.5 percent of all cases.