The Department of Transportation (Dishub) of DKI Jakarta has announced that a total of 20 intersections in the capital city have implemented artificial intelligence (AI) technology to effectively mitigate traffic congestion.
According to Syafrin Liputo, the Head of Dishub DKI Jakarta, “There are twenty intersections that have incorporated AI principles through an intelligent transport system at traffic lights,” as quoted from Antara on Sunday (2/7/2023).
Syafrin further explained that the application of artificial intelligence (AI) has proven to be influential in monitoring and regulating traffic light timings based on real-time data from Google’s internal database. This utilization of AI technology also reinforces the functionality of the adaptive traffic management system, allowing for accurate and up-to-date traffic volume calculations at these intersections.
Consequently, Dishub DKI Jakarta can now determine the V/C ratio, which refers to the ratio between road capacity and traffic density, at each specific location. “The traffic lights are now capable of ‘observing’ the congested areas within an intersection and granting them a greater allocation of green light time,” Syafrin stated.
Additionally, the implementation of AI technology has enabled Dishub Jakarta to prioritize public transportation routes, notably the TransJakarta bus system. Through automated detection systems, the AI infrastructure can identify approaching TransJakarta buses and grant them preferential treatment by extending their green light duration.
Among the 20 locations where AI technology has been deployed are Jalan Jembatan 2 Raya-Jalan Tubagus Angke, Jalan Kyai Tapa-Jalan Daan Mogot (Grogol), Jalan S Parman-Jalan Tomang Raya, Jalan S. Parman-Jalan KS. Tubun-Jalan Gatot Subroto (Slipi), and Jalan Gatot Subroto-Jalan Rasuna Said (Kuningan).
Furthermore, the implementation extends to Jalan Gatot Subroto-Jalan Supomo (Pancoran), Jalan MT Haryono-Jalan Sutoyo (Cawang Uki), Jalan DI Panjaitan-Jalan Kalimalang, Jalan Ahmad Yani-Jalan Utan Kayu (Rawamangun), Jalan Ahmad Yani-Jalan Pemuda-Jalan Pramuka, Jalan Ahmad Yani-Jalan H. Ten, and Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan-Jalan Letjen Suprapto.
Moreover, the list includes Jalan Senen Raya-Jalan Kwitang (Senen), Jalan Gunung Sahari-Jalan Wahidin, Jalan Gunung Sahari-Jalan Dokter Sutomo (MBAL), Jalan Gunung Sahari-Jalan Angkasa-Jalan Samanhudi, Jalan Gunung Sahari-Jalan Mangga Besar (Kartini), Jalan Gunung Sahari-Jalan Pangeran Jayakarta, Jalan Gunung Sahari-Jalan Mangga Dua, and Jalan Perniagaan Raya-Jalan Pasar Pagi Flyover (Jembatan Lima).
Looking ahead, Syafrin disclosed that an additional 40 intersections are scheduled to be equipped with AI technology by Dishub DKI Jakarta this year. This proactive measure aims to alleviate traffic congestion throughout the capital city and optimize transportation efficiency.