The government will soon build the GeTaCi Toll Road, Gedebage – Tasikmalaya – Cilacap Toll Road. This Cross-Province toll road, with a length of 206.65 km, will be the longest in Indonesia.
This toll road passes in two provinces, namely West Java Province (171.40 Km) and Central Java Province (35.25 Km).
Gedebage – Tasikmalaya – Cilacap Toll Road is a National Strategic Project as stated in Presidential Regulation Number 109 of 2020 concerning the Acceleration of National Strategic Project Implementation.
Currently, the progress of Cross-Province toll road has been in determining the location (penlok) for the West Java region and continuing with determining the location in Central Java. After the marking is carried out, there is a land acquisition process such as socialization and then deliberations. Until then, the construction of the GeTaCi Toll Road can begin in 2023.
Land acquisition for Section 1 of the North Gedebage-Garut Junction of the Gedebage-Cilacap Toll Road is progressing according to the target, so it is hoped that construction for Section 1 can begin in the second quarter of 2023.
The construction of the Gedebage-Cilacap Toll Road is planned to be carried out in two phases. The construction for the first phase is Section 1 and Section 2, which starts from the Gedebage Junction to the Tasikmalaya Interchange (SS) along 95.52 Km. The second stage, namely Section 3 and Section 4, starts from SS Tasikmalaya to SS Cilacap along 111.13 Km.
For phase 1, namely Section 1 JC Gedebage – SS Garut Utara, and Section 2 SS Garut Utara – SS Tasikmalaya with an operational target in 2024. Then stage 2 consists of Section 3 SS Tasikmalaya – SS Patimuan, and Section 4 SS Patimuan – SS Cilacap with an operational target in 2029.
“The Getaci Toll Road, especially in the Gedebage area, has quite a complicated geological structure with lots of mountain rocks that are prone to avalanches, so special handling is needed during the construction process,” said PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono some time ago.
The concession period for the Gedebage – Tasikmalaya – Cilacap Toll Road is 40 years from the issuance of the Commencement Work Order (SPMK) with an investment value of IDR 56.20 trillion which was carried out by PT. Jasamarga Gedebage Cilacap (JGC) is the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) formed by a consortium of winning bidders.
The construction of this Cross-Province toll road toll road will increase connectivity, and economic activity, and further expedite the distribution of goods and services to industrial and tourism development in the southern corridors of West Java and Central Java Provinces.
Then, this toll road is divided into four sections, including:
- Section 1 Junction Gedebage-North Garut along 45.20 Km
- Section 2 of North Garut-Tasikmalaya with a length of 50.32 Km
- Section 3 Tasikmalaya-Patimuan along 76.78 Km
- Section 4 Patimuan-Cilacap with a length of 34.35 Km