The regulations regarding the PeduliLindungi application have been updated this time. Previously, based on many community reports, the color status in the application did not change from black to green although the PCR test that was carried out showed negative results.
Expert Staff to the Minister of Health for Health Technology, Setiaji, said that the public has often complained about this issue. Thus, his party will simplify the PCR exit test from what previously had to be done 2 times (on H+5 and H+6) to 1 time (on H+5).
If the PCR exit test is negative, the PeduliLindungi status will automatically turn green. The simplification will start tonight, Tuesday (22/2) at 23.59 WIB.
The Ministry of Health on its official website explained, “Starting February 22, tonight, the 2nd PCR exit test is not required. So it’s only enough to do a PCR exit test on H+5 and the results must be negative.”
So, if the exit test results are negative, then the status in PeduliLindungi will automatically change color to green.
In the previous rule, the PCR exit test must be carried out twice, namely on H + 5 (day 6) with negative results, then it must be continued for the second PCR test, namely the following day.
Setiaji further explained that if you don’t do a PCR exit test on H+5 to H+10, the PeduliLindungi status will automatically turn green on H+10 even though you don’t do a PCR exit test.

For information, the green color on PeduliLindungi means that the person has been vaccinated with the full dose or is not a Covid-19 patient or close contact or has recovered from Covid-19 for less than 90 days.

The black status indicates that the person has been positive for Covid-19 for less than 10 days or has a history of contact with a positive Covid-19 patient less than 10 days before, and has just come from abroad.