A total of five foreigners in Bali have succeeded in obtaining Indonesian citizenship during 2022. The five foreigners who previously had Italian, German, Japanese, British, and Australian citizenship had a strong desire to become Indonesian citizens.
This news was confirmed by the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kanwil Kemenkumham) Bali Anggiat Napitupulu to reporters at his office, Monday (26/12/2022).
“Regarding the five foreign nationals who have taken an oath to become Indonesian citizens, this year there are five,” said Anggiat.
Anggiat stressed that the requirements for foreigners to become Indonesian citizens were neither easy nor fast. According to him, the five foreigners wanted to become Indonesian citizens for various reasons.
Of the five people, two of them, namely former Japanese and Australian foreigners, initially had the status of limited dual citizenship subjects. One of their parents was an Indonesian citizen.
“So from birth until the age of 21, he has dual citizenship. So after the age of 21, he applies to become a permanent Indonesian citizen by releasing his foreign citizenship,” said Anggiat.
Meanwhile, three other people, namely former British, Italian, and German citizens, received Indonesian citizen status after living in Bali for decades. There are even ones from the 90s.
According to Anggiat, the law (UU) states that foreigners may apply for naturalization if they have been in Indonesia for 10 non-consecutive years. Or the second condition, they are in Indonesia five years in a row.
The former British, Italian, and German citizens have met these requirements. They have been assessed by law enforcement officers (APH) and the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Taxes, Ministry of Finance (Ministry of Finance). They also have no criminal record.
“They love Indonesia, especially Bali, have a steady income, and don’t have a criminal record. We propose to the center and be confirmed and sworn in,” explained Anggiat.