The KRL (Electric Rail Train) Commuter Line waiting time is currently around 10-15 minutes. Therefore, the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) plans to shorten the KRL Commuter Line headway. They are targeting KRL headway to be 3 minutes by 2025.
Director-General of Railways at the Ministry of Transportation Zulfikri said that the headway acceleration was carried out by improving the signaling system and improving the quality of infrastructure so that the safety factor was guaranteed.
“The headway target [waiting time] is 3 minutes with 2 million passengers,” he explained, Thursday (7/7/2022).
The Ministry of Transportation targets waiting times in Manggarai to be accelerated by carrying out the 6th switch over (SO) which is planned to be carried out at the end of 2022. After SO 6, the waiting time is estimated to be shortened to around 5 minutes.
After SO 6 in 2022, the Ministry of Transportation will carry out the next switch over until 2025 when Manggarai Station becomes the central station. At that time, the headway was targeted to be 3 minutes with a total passenger volume of around 2 million people.
PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero), which oversees the commuter line operator PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia, noted that the current total volume of passengers has not returned to the pre-pandemic level of 1.2 million people.
However, the headway between train arrivals is still long, while the number of passengers transiting in Manggarai has increased due to SO 5 Manggarai. Finally, the Feeder KRL for the Bekasi-Cikarang connection was operated temporarily to reduce congestion in Manggarai.
“We want to add the headway as short as possible, but with the current signaling, it is not yet possible,” explained PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) President Director Didiek Hartantyo.
It is known that the KRL Commuter Line is increasingly popular with the public. Therefore, KAI Commuter added 27 KRL (electric train) trips. With the addition of 27 trips, currently, KAI Commuter operates 1,081 KRL trips with 95 loops starting at 04.00-24.00 WIB every day. This was done in line with the increasing trend of KRL users.
“The trend of KRL users in June 2022 was recorded at a total of 17,830,611 users, an increase of 7% when compared to the total volume of users in May 2022, which was 16,693,060 people,” said Vice President Corporate Secretary of KAI Commuter, Anne Purba, in a written statement. received Friday (8/7/2022).
Meanwhile, he said, the average KRL user on weekdays throughout June was 641,668 people, with the highest volume on Monday (20/6/2022) as many as 671,031 people.
Meanwhile, the average number of KRL users on holidays or weekends is 483,953 people, with the most users on Saturday (25/6/2022) as many as 522,566 people.