The post-pandemic economy has begun in the East Kalimantan region. This is based on information from the East Kalimantan Indonesian Logistics and Forwarders Association (ALFI) which said that the volume of logistics shipments increased by 12 percent throughout 2022.
Chairman of the Indonesian Logistics and Forwarders Association (ALFI/ILFA) East Kalimantan, Mohammad Gobel, stated that the condition of increasing the volume of shipments of goods in East Kalimantan had occurred several months before Ramadan.
“If we talk about safety, it’s definitely safe, because the distributor has confirmed the stock from the previous two [to] three months,” he said, Tuesday (5/4/2022).
Gobel revealed that the increase in the volume of freight transportation takes place every year, especially during the two to three months before Ramadan.
He also mentioned the destination cities for the logistics delivery. The delivery of goods includes the cities of Balikpapan and Samarinda to buffer areas, such as North Penajam Paser Regency (PPU), Tana Grogot, Paser Regency and parts of Samboja, Kutai Kartanegara as destination areas.
Furthermore, Samarinda City supplies several areas such as East Kutai Regency, West Kuta, and Bontang City.
He said that during Ramadan logistics distribution would prioritize basic necessities.
“Yes, for distribution, for example, I have twenty containers, we only have the opportunity for diesel or the availability of fuel is only for five containers, we automatically sort this which one is urgently needed by the community, friends must do it,” he concluded.
Delivery Strategy
To maintain the smooth distribution of logistics, logistics service operators in East Kalimantan deal with the need for subsidized diesel in a certain way so that they can still deliver goods according to demand.
Chairman of the Indonesian Logistics and Forwarders Association (ALFI/ILFA) East Kalimantan Mohammad Gobel said drivers use a combination of Dexlite and subsidized diesel to save time in queues.
However, he revealed that this cannot be done continuously because the price disparity between Dexlite and subsidized diesel is already quite different.
“So we combine. If we get half of [diesel subsidy], we will fill it with half [Dexlite], so we can leave quickly,” he said, Tuesday (5/4/2022).