For the creation of digital talents, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo) is exploring the need for digital literacy and skills in various remote, isolated, and frontier areas (3T).
With the global pandemic and geopolitical tensions prompting a shift, the world is urging swift reforms in its conventional economic model through efficiency and digitization.
Nezar Patria, Indonesia’s Deputy Minister of Communication and Information Technology, envisions the digital economy reaching US$303 billion by 2030. To tap into this potential, Indonesia aims to nurture 9 million digital talents to meet job market demands.
“We all need to prepare; we must equip 9 million young generations in 2023 with standard skills, what we call digital talent,” Nezar remarked during the Digital Literacy Festival 2023 at Undana on Saturday (25/11/2023).
Nezar highlighted that 8 out of 10 hard skills required by companies today necessitate digital proficiency. Therefore, accelerating digital literacy becomes crucial.
The need for digital literacy and skills is also driven by various requirements, including anticipating the negative impacts of the internet.
Digital literacy and skills are essential for accessing public services and participating in economic activities that embrace technology. Hence, Reza emphasizes that everyone must understand digital literacy.
“At present, almost every aspect of life considers understanding and utilizing information technology as a mandatory basic skill,” he noted.
Moving forward, Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (MenPAN-RB) Abdullah Azwar Anas stated that the transformation towards the digital economy will positively impact society. This transformation requires the best digital talents to support these extensive programs.
“The transformation in human resources apparatus requires digital talents to support the increasingly massive implementation of the digital economy to produce real impacts for society,” said Anas in a written statement on Friday (24/11/2023).
In alignment with this, Azwar Anas fully supports the strengthening of bureaucratic reform within the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop UKM). This was conveyed by Anas after meeting with the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs, Teten Masduki, at the Ministry of PANRB office on Friday (24/11).
Thematic bureaucratic reforms are oriented towards several concrete impacts felt by the people, namely poverty alleviation, increased investment, increased domestic product spending, and digitalization.