The Immigration Office Class II Sabang, Aceh, tightened incoming traffic’s supervision of foreigners during the restrictions on community activities’ implementations (PPKM).
This policy was implemented following Permenkumham Number 27 of 2021 concerning Restrictions on Foreigners Entering Indonesia during the Emergency PPKM Period.
Hanton Razali, Head of the Class II Immigration Office of TPI Sabang, said that only diplomatic and service visas holder are allowed to enter. Furthermore, the diplomatic residence permits and official residence permits’ holders.
He also mentioned that foreigners allowed to enter are those with health and humanitarian purposes and foreigners of transportation crews who come with their means of transportation.
However, those who meet the entry requirements must comply with the health protocols imposed in Indonesia.
Hanton explained under the current situation, several countries have policies to restrict any foreigners from entering their territory. This condition has an indirect impact on a drastic decrease in passport applications during the pandemic.
“Due to this pandemic, the intensity of issuing passports, residence permits, and other matters related to immigration had decreased significantly compared to before the pandemic happened,” he said.