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Tag: Air Pollution

Ranked Among the Top 5 Most Polluted Cities in the World,...

As air pollution continues to plague Jakarta, now ranked among the top five most polluted cities globally, the city's authorities are taking action. On...

To Tackle Pollution, Indonesia Set to Implement Euro 4 and 5...

Indonesia's struggle with high pollution levels has prompted a substantial surge in health subsidies, reaching an impressive Rp10 trillion. In response to this, the...

DKI Jakarta’s Innovative Response to Air Pollution: Eco Enzyme Spraying Trials...

The issue of air pollution has emerged as a critical concern in DKI Jakarta, prompting the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta to explore innovative...

Growing Concerns Over Air Pollution Lead Kemenkes to Issue Mitigation Circular...

The Ministry of Health in Indonesia, known as Kemenkes, through its Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control, has issued Circular Letter number HK.02.02/C/3628/2023...

Commission VII of DPR RI Issues Crucial Recommendations to Tackle Air...

The deteriorating air quality in DKI Jakarta has spurred swift government action to combat this pressing concern. In the latest development, Commission VII of...

Minister of Home Affairs Issues Landmark Directive to Combat Air Pollution...

In an unprecedented move to confront the escalating air pollution crisis in the Jakarta Metropolitan Area (Jabodetabek), Minister of Home Affairs, Muhammad Tito Karnavian,...

BNPB Utilizes Innovative Weather Modification to Combat Jakarta’s Air Pollution Crisis

The escalating air pollution concerns in DKI Jakarta have spurred the government into exploring a range of solutions. Among these, the National Disaster Management...

Work from Home Policy to be Implemented Due to Jakarta’s Air...

Amidst rising concerns over the increasingly worrisome air quality in the Jakarta region, an imperative strategy has been devised to combat the issue. The...

Air Pollution in Jakarta Reaches Alarming Levels, Tops Global Air Pollution...

Air pollution in the skies above DKI Jakarta has been observed to worsen, reaching a critical level and earning the city the dubious distinction...



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