Tag: internet
Internet in Indonesia is Getting Cheaper, Spectrum Sharing Needs to Be...
In the past few years, the telecommunications sector in Indonesia has witnessed positive transformations propelled by technological advancements and heightened competition. One notable change...
High Speed Network Is Important for Research and Education
A high-speed network is a necessity that must exist in Indonesia. According to the Minister of Communication and Information (Kominfo) Johnny G. Plate, high-speed...
3,400 KM Underwater Fiber Optic Cable Will Be Built in Indonesia
The 3,400 KM underwater fiber optic cable installation will soon be built. This is done to strengthen communication in Indonesia. The optical cable will...
A Survey Shows that 10 Percent of Indonesian People Still Don’t...
A survey by the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) shows that 10.2 percent of people in Indonesia do not know how to use...
NASA Cooperates with Nokia to Build 4G Network on the Moon
The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced plans to build a 4G network on the Moon. The plan is part of...