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Tag: oil and gas reserves

Indonesia Faces Limited Oil Reserves, Only 11 Years Remaining

As Indonesia moves towards a future powered by cleaner, renewable energy, the concern over depleting conventional energy sources looms large. However, there's some reassurance...

Bojonegoro, Regency of Abundant Treasures

Bojonegoro Regency, which is located in East Java Province, has abundant natural wealth. Huge oil and gas reserves are available there. Especially now, Bojonegoro...

New Oil and Gas Source Found, Potentially the Largest in the...

Recently, a British company, Premier Oil announced the discovery of reserves in the Andaman II Block in Aceh waters. According to the Ministry of...

New Treasure! Oil and Gas Reserves Found in the Java Sea

Oil and gas reserves have been found in Indonesia again. Most recently, Sub holding Upstream through PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java...



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