This Year, the State Civil Apparatus Will Move to the New Capital


Indonesia will soon have a new capital city. Later, East Kalimantan will become the center of the Indonesian government. Currently, the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) is carrying out an assessment mechanism for the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). They will soon be moved to the new capital (IKN).

This talent mapping will target ASN in a number of central government agencies, starting from the State Civil Apparatus in the ministry/institution on duty and having offices in the Special Capital Region of DKI Jakarta and its surroundings.

The implementation of the ASN assessment moving is a mandate of Law (UU) 3/2022 concerning the State Capital. The first cluster assessment will be carried out this year until 2023.

BKN through the ASN Competency Assessment Center is preparing two main stages in the ASN assessment process.

First, compiling and developing an assessment method to map the potential and competence of ASN in accordance with the demands of competency needs at IKN which carries the concept of smart city and electronic-based government management (SPBE).

These potentials and competencies include managerial and sociocultural competencies, digital literacy competencies, and emerging skills.

“This instrument or assessment method is designed based on IT that can be used en masse so that it is more efficient and faster and has been integrated with SI-ASN,” wrote BKN.

Second, BKN is also preparing a mechanism for the ASN assessment implementing which is planned to be carried out in stages and divided into five clusters.

BKN targets the development of this competency assessment instrument or measuring instrument to be completed in September 2022 so that the competency mapping/assessment implementation for ASN Central Agencies can begin in 2022.

The closest target is that BKN will carry out competency mapping/assessment for ASN of central agencies who are included in the first cluster and so on according to the scenario of the transfer stages set by the government.

In the initial stage, the implementation of competency mapping/assessment will target 60 thousand ASN, including 20 ASN this year and 40 thousand ASN in 2023.

In the initial stage, there will be around 2,350 civil servants who will be transferred to the new capital, followed by the TNI/Polri. However, it is not known exactly how many TNI-Polri will be relocated.

Civil servants will move in the period 2022-2024. Meanwhile, security forces such as the TNI-Polri will relocate in 2023.

Starting next month, the Head of the IKN Authority, Bambang Susantono, ensures that IKN construction will begin.

“IKN will soon be built, especially in August where infrastructure work and core buildings will begin to be prepared,” said Bambang.