The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) stated that the upper limit for the RON 92 or Pertamax fuel oil price reached Rp. 14,526 per liter. However, in reality, many Pertamax is sold “only” for Rp. 9000.
The price is a reflection of the economic price of fuel based on the basic price formula in calculating the retail selling price of general fuel types. The selling price of RON 92 BBM at gas stations currently varies depending on the Business Entities except for Pertamax which is still sold at Rp. 9,000 per liter.
“For the price of general types of fuel, it is indeed set by a business entity, the important thing is that it should not exceed the upper limit set, namely Rp. 14,526 per liter for March 2022,” explained the Head of the Communications Bureau for Public Information Services and Cooperation of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Agung Pribadi, Monday (21/21).
Agung Pribadi stated that the price of Indonesian crude oil or ICP in February 2022 was US$ 95.72 per barrel. Meanwhile, the provisional ICP figure from March 2022 to March 17, 2022, is US$ 114.77 per barrel.
“The high price of oil does not only affect the state budget, but also the price of fuel supply. To protect the public, subsidized fuels such as diesel, kerosene, and fuel which are consumed the most by the public, such as Pertalite, are kept at a price,” said Agung.
Responding to this, the Acting Corporate Secretary of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Irto Ginting, admitted that the economic price of Pertamax gasoline was indeed a fairly large gap.
“Indeed there is a big gap. We are still reviewing and also coordinating with stakeholders,” explained Irto, Monday (21/3/2022).
On the other hand, Mohammad Faisal, Executive Director of the Center of Reform on Economics (CORE) Indonesia, said that non-subsidized fuel prices should follow market prices. Users of non-subsidized fuel are well-off so the price increase is not too much of a problem because they have strong purchasing power. Especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, the purchasing power between the upper and lower classes of society has widened.
“The increase in non-subsidized fuel prices will also not interfere with macroeconomic indicators,” he said, Monday (21/3/2022).
According to Faisal, when viewed from the proportion of use, non-subsidized fuel is not large. Pertalite is the most widely used and subsidized, although this fuel with an octane rating of 90 is not included in Assignment Fuel.
“Fuel inflation is influenced mainly by Pertalite consumption, which uses more and affects other prices, especially necessities. Pertamax is different. Distribution of goods does not use Pertamax fuel,” he said.