The government’s relentless effort to enhance domestic infrastructure unfolds through diverse initiatives, with dam construction standing out as a strategic move. The Ministry of Public Works and People’s Housing (PUPR) is gearing up to officially open five dams at the onset of 2024, aiming to fortify the nation’s water and food resilience.
Endra S. Atmawidjaja, an Expert Staff member of the Minister of PUPR specializing in Technology, Industry, and the Environment, also serving as the Ministry’s spokesperson, elucidated that these five dams fall under the category of National Strategic Projects (PSN).
“In early 2024, we anticipate the inauguration of five dams: Karian Dam, Cipanas Dam, Sepaku Semoi Dam, Tiu Suntuk Dam, and Lolak Dam. This concrete step by the government is a response to the need for increased water storage across various regions, contributing to our water and food resilience, while also mitigating the impacts of climate change,” stated Endra in an official release on Friday (8/12/2023).
Let’s delve into the specifics of these five upcoming dams:
- Karian Dam
Karian Dam, boasting a capacity of 314.7 million m3, will act as a supplementary water source for the Ciujung Irrigation Area (DI), covering a vast 22,000 hectares. Beyond supporting irrigation, Karian Dam will cater to the raw water needs of households and industries in nine cities and regencies in Jakarta and Banten provinces, providing a flow rate of 14.6 m3/second. This includes Serang City, Serang Regency, Cilegon City (1.5 m3/second), and Maja, Lebak Regency (0.6 m3/second). - Cipanas Dam
Envisioned to bolster the irrigation water supply for agriculture in Sumedang and Indramayu Regencies, spanning 9,273 hectares, particularly in the Cipanas, Cikawung, and Cibunut Irrigation Areas (DI). Cipanas Dam is also poised to meet the demand for 850 liters/second of raw water for the Rebana industrial area and residential zones, including Kertajati Airport. It’s worth noting that the construction of Cipanas Dam required a budget of IDR 2.03 trillion, with a dam capacity of 250.81 million m3. The construction phase spanned from 2016 to 2023. - Sepaku Semoi Dam
Prepared for inauguration and operation, the Sepaku Semoi Dam aims to supply raw water in the National Capital Integrated Coastal Area (IKN) at a capacity of 2,000 liters/second and 500 liters/second for Balikpapan. The dam has flood reduction capabilities of up to 232 m3/second or 55% for the IKN and Sepaku District. - Tiu Suntuk Dam
Situated in West Sumbawa, the construction of Tiu Suntuk Dam commenced in February 2020, with a total cost of IDR 1.22 trillion. With a storage capacity of 55.90 million m3 and a flooding area of 312.09 hectares, Tiu Suntuk Dam will be capable of supplying raw water at a rate of 68 liters/second, irrigating an area of 1,900 hectares. Additionally, it holds potential for a Microhydro Power Plant (PLTM) of 0.81 MW, flood reduction of 390 m3/second, and possibilities for conservation, tourism, and inland fisheries. - Lolak Dam
Nestled in Pindol Village, Lolak District, Bolaang Mongondow Regency, North Sulawesi, Lolak Dam covers an area of 97.5 hectares. Upon operationalization, it is slated to provide irrigation water for a sprawling 2,214-hectare area, support a raw water supply of 500 liters/second, and showcase potential for tourism, water conservation, and a power generation capacity of 2.43 megawatts.