The pandemic has brought the tourism sector to a halt. Various efforts were made to keep the pulse alive in this sector. Likewise, tourism in the Special Region (DI) of Yogyakarta is now expected to become a vaccine tourism destination. This is intended to spur the revival of local tourism.
Quoted from, Deddy Pranowo Eryono, Chair of the Yogyakarta Hotel and Resto Association (PHRI) said that one of the efforts to attract tourists to visit is by providing vaccination services at each tourist destination.
Not only aims to attract tourists but the provision of vaccine services at tourist destinations is also intended to accelerate the vaccination program.
“Every tourist destination has a vaccine center if there is not now. For example (there is a vaccine center) in Taman Pintar, which can connect other tourist destinations such as Malioboro and Fort Vredeburg,” said Deddy to Republika.
But unfortunately, the Government of DI Yogyakarta hasn’t yet to open a tourist destination. However, the local government opened a shopping center/mall which has been tested since August 24.
Deddy said that the opening of destinations can be carried out with the same restrictions and requirements as the malls opening. One of them is by requiring visitor screening using the PeduliLindungi application.
He added that most of the people of Yogyakarta have economic dependence on the tourism sector.
Deddy admitted that tourism actors in Yogyakarta experienced difficulties while PPKM was implemented. Therefore, his party hopes to get leeway to return to running the tourism sector in accordance with applicable health protocols.
Meanwhile, the vaccination rate for restaurant and hotel employees has reached 95 percent.
“If DIY residents have fulfilled (100 percent vaccinated) later, we hope that tourists who come will also be met for vaccines. Become vaccine tourism destinations,” Deddy explained.