The National Capital (IKN) will move to the East Kalimantan region. Various questions have arisen regarding the fate of the former capital of Indonesia, DKI Jakarta after the IKN moved. Answering this question, the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono explained.
Basuki said Jakarta would not be abandoned even though it no longer had the status of the nation’s capital. According to him, Jakarta will still be considered in terms of clean water and transportation, as there will be another MRT construction that will facilitate the mobility of Jakarta’s people.
The massive infrastructure development is proof that the government is still paying attention to DKI Jakarta.
He added that one of the pieces of evidence was the construction of three Drinking Water Supply Systems (SPAM) as the government’s effort to prevent Jakarta’s land subsidence by stopping groundwater use in 2030.
The three projects in question are Jatiluhur I SPAM, Djuanda SPAM, and Karian Serpong SPAM. Jatiluhur I SPAM and Djuanda SPAM are planned to serve 3,200 liters/second of clean water and Karian Serpong SPAM is planned to serve 3,500 liters/second of clean water.
“If we can finish all of this and can supply the people of Jakarta, then in 2030 we will definitely be able to tell the people to stop using groundwater,” said Basuki.
As previously reported, Member of Commission VI of the Republic of Indonesia DPR RI, Subardi, revealed that the Nusantara National Capital (IKN) development project is a new era of Indonesia’s development.
The move towards IKN continues to be accelerated after the country’s strategic project has a legal umbrella through Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning Nusantara IKN.
Through this law, the President has established the IKN Authority as a ministry-level institution that carries out the preparation, construction, and relocation of the national capital.
The government even plans to hold a ceremony for the upcoming 2024 Indonesian Independence Day at IKN Nusantara. The celebration of the Indonesian Independence Day at IKN was the beginning of the capital city moving from Jakarta to East Kalimantan.