The Indonesian government will soon build four National Data Centers (PDN) in some regions of Indonesia. The first national data center will be built in Bekasi, West Java, shortly and is targeted to be completed within two years.
Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny G. Plate said this PDN is the first data center in the tier-IV category, which has the category with the highest qualifications and standards for data centers in the world.
“Hopefully soon for Jabodetabek, we can do the laying of the first stone for its construction. It is hoped that at least within 24 months it can be completed,” said Johnny, Tuesday (10/18/2022).
Even so, he hopes that the data center construction process can be completed faster than the set target. Currently, the process is still in the final preparation stage before laying the first stone.
Johnny said that so far his party has entered into a financial agreement financing contract with France. The agreement has been signed between the two.
“It’s just an advance payment as a prerequisite for the contract. The advance payment will be made so that the contract becomes effective and thus we can do the groundbreaking,” said the Minister of Communication and Information.
Meanwhile, the Head of the PDN Team of the Directorate of Government Information Application Services (LAIP) Ade Frihadi said that the preparation for the construction of the first National Data Center (PDN) in Bekasi has now entered the stage of determining the implementation contract for the development.
The preparation for the construction of the PDN is carried out by the contractor through the procurement of Design, Supply, and Installation (DSI).
“In the initial phase, namely design making, starting with the design concept to detailed engineering design [DED] for construction, and IT for high-level design and low-level design,” said Ade quoted from the Aptika Kominfo page.
Regarding the selection of Bekasi as the location for PDN, Ade explained that the location determination had been determined based on the location selection criteria contained in the SNI 8799:2019 Data Center Standard and the Uptime Institute International Standard, ANSI/TIA 942.
To note, this first National Data Center will be built in Bekasi, West Java, precisely in the Deltamas Industrial Estate Area, approximately 40 km from Jakarta.
The location specified for the National Data Center does not have a history of earthquakes, floods, and other potential natural disturbances within a certain period. In addition, the location is far from the center of the crowd, airport, train, and several other criteria.
Furthermore, overall, the government will build four data centers spread across several regions of Indonesia.
The locations of the national data centers are spread across some areas, such as Batam, the National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago, Labuan Bajo, and in Greater Jakarta. Especially for the Greater Jakarta area, the national data center is located in the Deltamas Industrial Estate, Bekasi.
“The national data center in Batam is currently in the finalization stage. Meanwhile, the Jabodetabek area is also in the finalization stage. Hopefully, soon, we will finalize it and we will do the groundbreaking. Then, at IKN Nusantara and Labuan Bajo,” said the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny G Plate during the Regsosek Discussion on the Utilization of One Data for the Country, Monday (10/10/2022).